'Appetti Annie'
A little about the author

I'm just a simple blonde 'housewife' who runs an equestrian riding holiday company (www.uaeridingholidays.com) with my best friend and business partner, based in Ras Al Khaimah in the United Arab Emirates.
I hail from an equestrian and publishing background having been a Horse Trainer, competitive rider and Editor on an International publication for many years.
Being bought up in Singapore as a child, I developed a love for Asian food, both eating and cooking it, and after over 21 years in the Middle East, I have acquired a taste for the Arabic cuisine and all the spices that go with it.
Although time is always short on a daily basis, I always try to make time for writing and what better way than starting a new blog site. I hope that you will all find my blogs interesting and slightly humorous. No doubt some of the content will be annoying to some....sorry!
I am always open to new ideas, so if you have a particular subject you would like to read about, just get in touch.
Enjoy people and feel free to spread the word and share 'me' around the world.
Love Annie